"They kept my legs feeling fresh and energized all day"
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Cold, aching feet...
Swollen ankles and calves...
Throbbing, numbness, and tingling...
Sores, blisters and ulcers...
Spider veins...
Blood clots..
These are not just the symptoms of poor circulation in the feet and legs...
And the cause is clear.
The average American now spends the majority of their time sedentary – and often through no fault of their own.
After all, many of us have desk-bound jobs… or need to travel frequently in cars, buses, trains, and even planes…
In fact, the average office worker is sat down for a shocking 15 hours every single day! [1]
Added to that, rapid advances in technology means we now spend much of our leisure time inactive too, whether it's sat in front of our laptops, tablets, smartphones, or televisions.
From the CDC, Johns Hopkins University, and the Mayo Clinic…
…to the American Heart Association, and the World Health Organization…
…they all report that sedentary lifestyles, jobs, and the use of "passive" modes of transportation are the main causes of sluggish blood flow in the feet and legs…
…and an entire host of health conditions related to poor circulation. [1,2]
The good news is, I'm about to reveal a 'Harvard Secret' that quickly solves this problem, and with zero effort!
Allowing anyone to enjoy healthy circulation once again, and a future free from pain and discomfort.
I'll tell you all about it in just a moment…
As a doctor, I'm in a privileged position to help hundreds of thousands of men and women across the world who are frustrated with today's ‘pill for an ill' medical system.
I do this by uncovering unique and cutting-edge natural health solutions that make a real, tangible difference to people's lives.
And after seeing so many patients struggle with chronic pain and discomfort in their feet and legs because of sluggish blood flow, I knew I had to do something.
And that's what I'm here to talk to you about today
So how can we fix this “ticking time bomb” of poor circulation?
First, it's crucial to understand what's going wrong in our lower limbs to cause all of these uncomfortable, and often dangerous symptoms.
Here's the science bit:
This means they have to fight against gravity to push blood up and out of the feet and legs, and back towards the heart, where it's recycled.
Normally, the muscles in our calves and legs would do this...
But because of our increasingly sedentary way of living, these muscles don't always work as well as they should.
And surprisingly, this is true even for healthy people who exercise regularly.
In fact, a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that sitting for 8 hours a day can actually cancel out the benefits of regular exercise. [3]
While a separate study on healthy office workers by Indiana University showed that after just one hour of sitting, normal blood flow became impaired by as much as 50%! [4]
This inactivity leads to blood pooling in the legs and feet, preventing it from properly flowing back to the heart...
...which then leaves the blood in the lower limbs stagnant and starved of oxygen.
It's THIS lack of oxygen which causes pain and swelling...
...as well as cold feet, numbness, tingling, throbbing, spider veins, blood clots, and even blisters, sores, and ulcers.
And as the legs and feet are “choking,” other serious health problems can develop too...
It's called ‘graduated compression.'
It works by placing the greatest degree of compression at the ankle, then gradually decreasing the compression higher up the leg.
This helps to gently push stale and stagnant blood up and out of the feet and legs (a bit like squeezing the bottom of a toothpaste tube!).
And it's proven to quickly relieve the uncomfortable and often unsightly symptoms of sluggish blood flow.
As a result, graduated compression is the basic concept behind the regular compression socks doctors typically recommend for preventing deadly blood clots on long-haul flights.
Plus, studies show that the right compression socks can also improve stamina, boost athletic performance, and accelerate recovery time, which is why they're loved by athletes, too. [6,7,8,9]
Most regular kinds of compression socks use a generic ‘pressure gradient'.
A kind of one-size-fits all level of compression...
Which means the socks are usually either too tight, restricting circulation... or they're too loose and slip down, which means there is no compression effect at all.
The other problem is that generic compression socks are only meant to be worn in very specific situations, like long-distance air travel, which means they're not durable, or comfortable enough to be worn all day, every day.
The fabric is often too thick and is not designed to breathe, which makes the legs and feet feel sweaty and itchy.
Of course, sweating causes unpleasant odors and foot fungus too.
All this makes it almost impossible for people to wear these generic compression socks for long periods.
Which means people who suffer from circulation issues, and who should be wearing compression socks regularly, simply don't keep them on long enough for the benefits to take effect.
That's why my team and I at Zoom Wellness have spent the last few years developing the next generation of compression socks...
Which are not only based on the most cutting-edge developments in compression and fabric technology... but are comfortable enough to be worn all-day.
The CopperZen is a revolution in compression technology, as well as anti-odor, and anti-microbial fabric (more on these in a moment).
Thanks to the CopperZen, relieving symptoms of poor circulation literally couldn't be easier!
Simply slip them on like any normal pair of socks for a rapid boost in blood flow.
This improved circulation allows fresh oxygen to travel through the legs, ankles, feet, and toes...
...providing quick relief from aches and pains, ice cold feet, swelling, numbness, tingling, varicose veins, blood clots, and more.
Because of the circulation-boosting effects, the CopperZen also helps make it easier to stay on your feet for longer periods of time, without feeling fatigued.
Best of all, they're specially designed to be breathable, durable and stylish, so they can be worn every single day, whether you're at home, at work, exercising, or just out and about.
Even better, virtually everyone can benefit!
As mentioned earlier, generic compression socks use a “one-size-fits-all” level of compression, which can either be too tight or too loose.
CircuBoost, on the other hand, is the result of years of research with a team of doctors and wellness professionals...
...and provides the exact graduated compression used in clinical studies (15-20 mmHg) to support healthy circulation in the feet and legs.
This means the CopperZen is able to produce optimum compression in all the right places, and quickly push stale, oxygen-starved blood back up the legs and towards the heart, where it's recycled.
This exclusive technology then allows fresh, oxygen-rich blood to flow back into the legs and feet...
...helping to relieve to relieve symptoms like pain, swelling, cold feet, tingling, numbness, and blood clots, as well as boost stamina, athletic performance, and recovery.
But that's just one way CopperZen Compression Socks are superior to other brands...
Exclusive to Zoom Wellness, Copper-i10 is a premium, medical-grade nylon, infused with nano-sized copper ions.
According to a growing body of research, copper can be absorbed through the skin, which may help promote blood flow, fight inflammation, and even relieve pain.
What's more, copper is crucial to the formation of red blood cells, as well as maintaining healthy blood vessels, and supporting iron absorption, all of which help to regulate blood flow. [10,11]
Now, unlike most copper-infused compression socks – which use small amounts of cheap copper oxide particles (Cu20) – our Copper-i10 fabric blends together 12% genuine copper ions (Cu+ and Cu++).
This is an important distinction because it means that as well as incorporating the highest copper content, we also use the HIGHEST QUALITY COPPER, guaranteeing enhanced absorption for maximum results you can feel.
Another benefit is this:
Research published in Foot – an international peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of medical and surgical treatment of the foot – found that copper-infused socks successfully treat foot fungus. [12]
That's because copper ions are proven to rupture and penetrate the cell wall of bacteria and fungus, attacking the DNA of the microbe, and killing it.
Why does this matter?
Well, for one, foot fungus is very common. In one study in Belgium involving 90,085 people, it was discovered that over 60% of them had a fungal infection! [13]
And this isn't something you want.
When it's growing on your feet, fungus can lead to athlete's foot, loss of skin and toenails, painful blisters, dry skin, itching, and foul odors.
In many cases, the fungus can spread to other parts of the body too, like the hands and legs. [14]
More worryingly, foot fungus creates cracks and openings in the skin where bacteria can sneak in and cause serious infections such as Cellulitis, which can cause swelling, blisters, and pain in the feet, ankles, and calves... and those suffering with poor circulation are particularly at risk. [14]
Fortunately, copper-infused fabric like our Copper-i10 can get rid of foot fungus and prevent it from growing back.
Finally, our Copper-i10 fabric is latex-free, making it a safe option for those with allergies...
If all that's not enough, the CopperZen delivers...
CopperZen Compression Socks feature a reinforced heel, toe and arch support for maximum comfort throughout the day.
This works to reduce the pressure on these three areas when walking or running, helping to relieve painful foot conditions, such as Plantar Fasciitis, fallen arches, heel spurs, and blisters.
The CopperZen also benefits from premium compression padding, which allows you to enjoy your favorite activities for longer, and in supreme comfort.
Going a step further, the socks are made from breathable, elasticated nylon, and also include Anti-Moisture Technology to prevent sweating and itching - even if you choose to wear them all day.
Even better, they're “thermally stabilized” to ensure your feet and legs remain cool in the heat, and warm in the cold, so you can enjoy the benefits all-year round!
Finally, the CopperZen includes a comfortable No-Slip Cuff, which prevents the socks from slipping, bunching, or twisting: a common problem found with many cheaper, store-bought compression socks.
In short, the CopperZen has been designed with comfort firmly in mind, so you can wear them at work, at the gym, and even in bed...
...allowing you to enjoy the circulation benefits and pain relief all day long, wherever you are, and whatever you're doing!
I'm a critical care nurse in Tennessee. I'm on my feet 50 to 65 hours a week, and I noticed that my feet and legs started hurting. I picked up a pair of these compression socks and they were just right! They weren't too tight – you can take them off and on easily. They're also not too thick, they don't get you hot and sweaty. My feet didn't have an odor after the shift or anything like that. I was very pleased with these socks. Now I just need to get more pairs so I can wear them every shift!
I love them, I think that they are the greatest socks - I wear them all the time! I really wish that I had had them before I ran a marathon and especially before I was pregnant with both my kids - they have helped immensely. If you're on the fence, go ahead and get yourself a pair... you will not regret it!
I love them, I think that they are the greatest socks - I wear them all the time! I really wish that I had had them before I ran a marathon and before I had two kids - they have helped immensely. If you're on the fence, go ahead and get yourself a pair... you will not regret it!
The Zoom Wellness Compression Socks are really good. They increased the circulation in my legs. I feel lighter, faster and I like I could workout harder in them. I also feel less achy, looser, and I'm able to perform and train at a higher level. I definitely recommend this product to anybody out there looking to either run, train, get better circulation in your legs, or just for walking around. Go get them now!
I've tried many different brands of compression socks to help with my foot pain and varicose veins. The Copper Zen socks really stood out for being durable and high quality. I could tell the moment I took them out of the box. After wearing them for two weeks, I'm very happy I finally found these!
A few months ago, my feet started losing feeling whenever I would walk or jog. I knew I had to do something - I tried expensive shoes, socks from other brands, but nothing really helped. I've been wearing these for a week, and I've been running, hiking, playing ball - and my feet feel great. My toes don't tingle anymore… my feet don't fall asleep while I'm running!
The Zoom Wellness CopperZen Compression Socks really helped protect my ankles and increased my circulation. I loved the reinforced heels, and the reinforced toe section prevented rubbing. They kept my legs and feet dry all day long. They also fit great with my dress shoes. They truly kept my legs feeling fresh and energized all day long.
I've been having shin splint problems every time I run more than about 10k. I've been wearing these compression socks for about a month, and I no longer have to worry about my shin splints. At first, I put them on after every run to mitigate the pain. Now, I've even started wearing them during my runs. I ordering a few more pairs so I don't have to wait for these to dry after I wash them - if you're an avid runner, I highly recommend them.
The quality of the worksmanship that goes into these is quite fine. It really helps to compress your calf and leg when you put them on. I wear these to work, around the house, while sleeping, all of those things... and they always feel comfortable. I highly recommend these.
I'm a critical care nurse in Tennessee. I'm on my feet 50 to 65 hours a week, and I noticed that my feet and legs started hurting. I picked up a pair of these compression socks and they were just right! They weren't too tight – you can take them off and on easily. They're also not too thick, they don't get you hot and sweaty. My feet didn't have an odor after the shift or anything like that. I was very pleased with these socks. Now I just need to get more pairs so I can wear them every shift!
I love them, I think that they are the greatest socks - I wear them all the time! I really wish that I had had them before I ran a marathon and especially before I was pregnant with both my kids - they have helped immensely. If you're on the fence, go ahead and get yourself a pair... you will not regret it!
The Zoom Wellness Compression Socks are really good. They increased the circulation in my legs. I feel lighter, faster and I like I could workout harder in them. I also feel less achy, looser, and I'm able to perform and train at a higher level. I definitely recommend this product to anybody out there looking to either run, train, get better circulation in your legs, or just for walking around. Go get them now!
I've tried many different brands of compression socks to help with my foot pain and varicose veins. The Copper Zen socks really stood out for being durable and high quality. I could tell the moment I took them out of the box. After wearing them for two weeks, I'm very happy I finally found these!
A few months ago, my feet started losing feeling whenever I would walk or jog. I knew I had to do something - I tried expensive shoes, socks from other brands, but nothing really helped. I've been wearing these for a week, and I've been running, hiking, playing ball - and my feet feel great. My toes don't tingle anymore… my feet don't fall asleep while I'm running!
The Zoom Wellness CopperZen Compression Socks really helped protect my ankles and increased my circulation. I loved the reinforced heels, and the reinforced toe section prevented rubbing. They kept my legs and feet dry all day long. They also fit great with my dress shoes. They truly kept my legs feeling fresh and energized all day long.
I've been having shin splint problems every time I run more than about 10k. I've been wearing these compression socks for about a month, and I no longer have to worry about my shin splints. At first, I put them on after every run to mitigate the pain. Now, I've even started wearing them during my runs. I ordering a few more pairs so I don't have to wait for these to dry after I wash them - if you're an avid runner, I highly recommend them.
The quality of the worksmanship that goes into these is quite fine. It really helps to compress your calf and leg when you put them on. I wear these to work, around the house, while sleeping, all of those things... and they always feel comfortable. I highly recommend these.
Generic Compression Socks
Supports Healthy Circulation
Advanced CircuBoost Technology
Copper i10 Fabric
Reinforced Heel, Toe & Arch Support
Anti-Moisture Technology
Anti-Fungal & Anti-Odor
Compression Padding
No-Slip Cuff
60-Day Guarantee
As a critical care nurse, Joey is on his feet 12 to 13 hours per shift, and sometimes five to six shifts a week. Very quickly, Joey found he was starting to experience aches, pains and fatigue in his feet and legs.
“I'm on my feet fifty to sixty-five hours a week. And I noticed after being a nurse for just a short period of time that my feet and legs started hurting, and I didn't quite know why.
I tried different shoes and things, and finally someone mentioned that I should try compression socks. I noticed that they did actually help my feet. After my shift was over, my legs felt a lot better.”
However, while Joey did experience relief from the regular compression socks he tried, he found that there were significant issues.
“I've gone through multiple kinds of compression socks. They all seem to be difficult to put on... and if they're not difficult to put on, they tend to ride down during the shift and become loose. Some were too thin, others were too thick, or too long, which made my feet sweat.”
Finally, Joey decided to try CopperZen Compression Socks, and the moment he pulled them on, the difference was obvious.
“They were just right! They weren't too tight; you can take them off and on very easily. And they're also not too thick. They don't get you hot and sweaty, and my feet didn't have an odor after the shift.
I was very pleased with these CopperZen Compression Socks. So now I just need to get more pairs so I can wear them every shift. I think it would probably be good to have five pairs of these and then that's all I'd need for socks. I could clean out my sock drawer!”
As I'm sure you can understand—and as you've seen from Joey's story—CopperZen Compression Socks deliver the greatest benefits when worn every day.
This will enable our CircuBoost Technology to take effect, and allow you to start enjoying the rapid, and sustained relief that comes from a continued circulation boost to your feet and legs...
Not to mention the superior comfort and increased stamina that lasts throughout the day.
And remember, these benefits will continue for as long as you keep wearing them.
With results like these, our CopperZen Compression Socks are in high demand.
Added to that, most of us wear socks every day, and it's not always easy to stay on top of the laundry...
...which is why the majority of our customers stock up on multiple pairs at a time, meaning we regularly experience out-of-stocks.
However, if you can see the order button below, then you're in luck: we still have supplies.
Which means you can take advantage of this limited-time special offer.
Despite our supplies regularly being low, we've listened to what our customers want, and designed a steeply discounted bundle plan for a limited time only.
And remember, the CopperZen is not available in stores: meaning these special prices can only be found on this page.
So be sure to act right now to secure your bulk discount on the CopperZen before we run out, or this special offer ends!
We're so confident that you'll be delighted with how fast our CopperZen Compression Socks improve circulation, relieve pain and discomfort, increase stamina, reduce foot fungus, and much more, that we're backing your order with our No-Questions-Asked 60-day Guarantee.
If you don't notice an improvement – or you're dissatisfied for any reason at all – simply call us or send us an email within 60 days of your purchase and we'll quickly refund the purchase price with no questions asked.
Plus, we'll even let you keep the CopperZen Compression Socks, just to say thanks for placing your trust in us today.
Need to get blood moving through your feet after a long car drive?
Blend up a tangy orange ginger smoothie. Just one sip will have your feet and legs feeling refreshed and light as a feather.
Craving something sweet? Try our berry fudge smoothie for a delicious treat that'll skyrocket your circulation levels.
Whether you don't have time to cook up a meal or you'd simply like a delicious way to boost blood flow faster, these smoothies will satisfy your appetite and support your circulatory health.
Well, with my 15-Second Blood Flow Boosters, you can!
Each of the 7 simple exercises included takes as little as 15 seconds... which means it's never been easier to relieve pain, swelling, tingling, and other discomforts caused by poor blood flow.
In 15-Second Blood Flow Boosters I'll show you how to:
The 3-Minute Circulation Boosting Super Smoothies recipe guide has been AMAZING! And The Advanced 14-Day Circulation Program has a bunch of different ways for how to keep the circulation moving in your legs, and how to prevent blood clots. My mother struggles from recurring blood clots in her legs so this has been a great help to her. The video included some excellent commentary from Dr Ryan Shelton, and included some awesome exercises to keep the circulation flowing in your legs. Awesome product. It has been a major help to me, and also my mother, which I am very grateful for!
Very informative and simple to understand. The recipes in here are absolutely fantastic! And by doing these exercises you're actually increasing the circulation potential in your legs, and you're giving yourself more of an advantage with the compression socks. Extremely helpful… and everything is online. Zoom Wellness has added an exceptional addition to the copper-infused compression socks.
They are great, I really enjoyed the smoothies. My favorite is the strawberry with avocado, banana and spinach. Me and my wife both love it! I really think it's going to improve her overall health, and now she feels more motivated to exercise. I'm running an Army 10-miler in October. I think I have an edge this time!
Let's face it: dealing with continued pain, swelling, or any other form of discomfort in the feet and legs can be enormously frustrating.
Not to mention how much it can affect our enjoyment of daily life, relationships, mood, and even sleep quality.
So when thinking about the cost of investing in a supply of CopperZen Compression Socks right now, I'd suggest thinking about the cost of doing nothing instead.
After all, if we take the cost of treating a blood clot, for example, it can vary from less than $1,000 for a superficial clot that requires warm compresses and anti-inflammatory medication...
...to $10,000 or more for a deeper clot that requires hospitalization...
All the way up to $100,000 or more for an arterial embolism that requires bypass surgery. [15]
And dangerous blood clots are becoming more and more common every day... especially, remember... when just one hour of sitting has been shown to reduce normal blood flow by as much as 50%!
When you slip on a pair of CopperZen Compression Socks, you can enjoy rapid relief from the uncomfortable, and often unsightly symptoms associated with poor circulation.
— Erin Tobin
Calls them “the greatest socks”.
“I wear them all the time” she says, because they've “helped with the arthritis in my large toes, and the tendon issues that I have.”
She just wishes she'd had them earlier: “I wish that I'd had them before I ran a marathon, and especially before I was pregnant with both my kids. They would have helped immensely!”
— Michael Young
Loves how durable and well-made the CopperZen is, how easily they stay up, and how much they've helped relieve his foot pain and varicose veins.
“I'm so happy I found these”, he says.
— Timothy Daniels
Calls the CopperZen “awesome!”
He was amazed at how much they improved the circulation in his lower limbs, and how the Copper i10 fabric “kept my legs feeling fresh and energized all day long.”
— Chris Thomas
Says that after wearing the CopperZen he “feels lighter, faster and can workout harder”.
He also says he's “now able to perform and train at a higher level” thanks to their circulation-boosting effects.
— And Darnell Culpepper
Says he can literally “feel the blood running through my legs”, and is overjoyed at the difference the socks have made to his life.
“I've been running, hiking, playing ball”, he says, “and my feet feel great”.
My toes don't tingle anymore… my feet don't fall asleep while I'm running!
Those are just a handful of the customers who have reported incredible results after putting our CopperZen Compression Socks to the test.
Picture yourself 10, 20 or even 30 years from now…
You're well into your golden years…
Yet you're not burdened by the painful and uncomfortable symptoms of poor circulation in the feet and legs.
Instead, you're as fit as a fiddle as you chase your kids or grandkids around the backyard.
Others your age struggle to move freely, and have to sit down regularly because of the pain.
But not you.
Your feet and legs are healthy, energized, and pain-free – and you never need to worry about losing your independence or becoming a burden to your own family.
As a doctor, I believe we're all free to choose what's right for our own health.
So I hope you make the right decision for the sake of both your physical and mental health.
But remember – this special offer won't last long, and supplies are limited.
So don't delay, claim your discounted supply of CopperZen Compression Socks today, risk-free for 60 days.
I look forward to hearing all about your transformation!
To improved health and wellness,
Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD
Zoom Wellness
P.S. Don't forget, when you order a supply of CopperZen Compression Socks today, you will also receive 3 bonus gifts worth $104.85, absolutely free! Plus, The Advanced 14-Day Circulation Program, 3-Minute Circulation Boosting Super Smoothies, and 15-Second Blood Flow Boosters are digital products, which means you can start relieving your symptoms right away while you wait for the socks to arrive!
P.P.S. Your order is protected by our no questions asked 60-day money-back guarantee. If you change your mind for any reason at all, simply contact our friendly customer support team via phone or email and we will issue a full and prompt refund with no questions asked. Plus, we'll even let you keep the CopperZen Compression Socks AND your digital bonus gifts, just to say thanks for placing your trust in us today.
There is absolutely zero risk!
I have been using the Zoom Wellness Copper Compression Socks for almost 14 days now. They have reduced the swelling in my legs. They feel great while they're on. They don't slide down your legs. They don't bunch up behind the knee and cause pain like other compression socks do. This is the first compression sock I've ever worn that's comfortable. It's changed my life. It's given me my legs back. A couple of days ago was the first time in a long time that I was able to walk without my cane, so that was fantastic! I would absolutely recommend CopperZen Compression Socks to anyone and everyone who suffers lower leg edema, any kind of foot pain, diabetic neuropathy, any of that. This is going to help you! No kidding. They’re amazing!
Price:$119.85 $69.95
Price:$199.75 $99.95
Price:$39.95 $29.95
To improved health and wellness,
Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD
Zoom Wellness
P.S. Don't forget, when you order a supply of CopperZen Compression Socks today, you will also receive my 3 bonus gifts worth $104.85, absolutely free! Plus, The Advanced 14-Day Circulation Program, 3-Minute Circulation Boosting Super Smoothies, and 15-Second Blood Flow Boosters are digital products, which means you can start relieving your symptoms right away while you wait for the socks to arrive!
P.P.S. Your order is protected by our no questions asked 60-day money-back guarantee. If you change your mind for any reason at all, simply contact our friendly customer support team via phone or email and we will issue a full and prompt refund with no questions asked. Plus, we'll even let you keep the CopperZen Compression Socks AND your digital bonus gifts, just to say thanks for placing your trust in us today.
There is absolutely zero risk!
I have been using the Zoom Wellness Copper Compression Socks for almost 14 days now. They have reduced the swelling in my legs. They feel great while they're on. They don't slide down your legs. They don't bunch up behind the knee and cause pain like other compression socks do. This is the first compression sock I've ever worn that's comfortable. It's changed my life. It's given me my legs back. A couple of days ago was the first time in a long time that I was able to walk without my cane, so that was fantastic! I would absolutely recommend CopperZen Compression Socks to anyone and everyone who suffers lower leg edema, any kind of foot pain, diabetic neuropathy, any of that. This is going to help you! No kidding. They’re amazing!
Zoom Wellness was founded in 2017 with the sole purpose of solving health problems that mainstream methods have failed to do.
We're proudly supported by a team of doctors, scientists, and other specialists in a wide range of fields, working tirelessly to provide products that not only work, but bring health and happiness to those that use them.
At Zoom Wellness, we also work closely with our partners at Zenith Labs – an Illinois based Supplement Company responsible for numerous breakthrough formulas that have helped millions of people across the world.
Together, we believe everyone deserves the chance to live life free from pain and discomfort, and enjoy the benefits of a healthy mind and body.
Dr. Ryan Shelton is a naturopathic doctor, licensed primary care physician, and the Health & Wellness Director at Zoom Wellness. He also serves as Medical Research Director at Zenith Labs, one of the nation's fastest-growing natural supplement companies.
Research shows that compression socks significantly boost blood circulation, allowing fresh oxygen to travel through legs, ankles, feet, and toes. This can help relieve pain, swelling, stiffness, and more, support healing from injuries and boost recovery time. Compression socks also help increase stamina, making it easier to stay on your feet for longer periods of time, which is why many athletes wear them. Other benefits include protection from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and treating foot fungus.
CircuBoost is the result of years of research with a team of doctors and wellness professionals. It works by gently gripping your feet and legs from all angles with the exact graduated compression used in clinical studies. This helps to stimulate healthy circulation by pushing stale, oxygen-poor blood back up the legs and towards the heart, where it's recycled. This can help support healthy circulation, accelerate healing, relieve pain, and help you remain on your feet for longer periods of time.
Our Copper-i10 fabric is exclusive to the Zoom Wellness brand. It is a premium, medical-grade nylon that's infused with nano-sized copper ions. A growing body of research shows that copper can be absorbed through the skin, which may help promote blood flow, fight inflammation, and relieve pain. Copper-i10 fabric is also latex-free and breathable, making it a safe option for those with allergies.
Yes! The CopperZen was crafted with your comfort in mind. It includes a reinforced heel, toe and arch support, and premium compression padding for maximum comfort throughout the day, as well as anti-moisture technology to prevent sweating, itching, and odors. The CopperZen also benefits from a No-Slip Cuff, which stops the socks from slipping, bunching, or twisting. You can wear them anytime – whether you're lounging on the couch, walking outdoors, or sleeping in bed. In fact, most of our customers prefer them to regular socks. So be sure to buy multiple pairs so you can enjoy them every day!
No problem! Simply contact our friendly customer service team and we'll quickly refund your purchase with no questions asked. We'll even let you keep the socks too! At Zoom Wellness, your satisfaction is our #1 priority.
Simply pop them into your washing machine and run a warm or cold cycle. We recommend hanging them out to dry but you can use a low tumble setting on your dryer. We've engineered the CopperZen to last for a long time, so you can continue to enjoy the compression benefits.
The CopperZen is made of 79% nylon, 12% copper nylon, and 9% spandex. There is NO latex, making them safe for anyone with a latex sensitivity.
CopperZen Compression Socks are available in two sizes: S/M and L/XL, for both men and women, meaning a comfortable fit for all. Please be sure to select the correct size when ordering.
E-mail Support@ZoomWellness.com
Please choose your size